Everyday Justice may agree to provide limited or full representation to people in their legal matters. Before agreeing to act in a matter, we will consider the Eligibility Test outlined below

Do you have a legal issue we can help with?

We will only act in matters in which we have the relevant skills and expertise to be able to afford you with a high level of legal assistance and make a positive difference in your life.

Are you eligible for Legal Aid or another government funded legal service?

If you are eligible for Legal Aid or another government funded legal service, you must make an application to that service for representation unless there is a compelling reason why you believe you should not be required to do so. If you are currently represented by Legal Aid or another government funded legal service, we will not consider acting for you unless you have followed the service’s internal complaints process.

Do you meet our income and assets test

We will only provide assistance to those who cannot otherwise afford legal assistance. To determine this we will consider your household income, any assets you have and any other financial pressures.

Does your legal matter satisfy Everyday Justice’s objects?

Everyday Justice may consider assisting you if you can demonstrate a compelling need for assistance with your ‘everyday’ civil law matter and you cannot access the legal system without incurring substantial financial hardship. Everyday Justice may also consider representing you if your matter raises an issue of public interest in an area such as social or public welfare, human rights, reconciliation, the natural environment or the protection of animals.

Is there a reason why we should prioritise your matter?

Everyday Justice may consider prioritising your matter if you are a single parent, woman, temporary or part time worker, recently arrived migrant, a person with a disability, a younger person, an older person or you are living in a rural or remote location. This is because these people are commonly overrepresented in the ‘missing middle’.

Do you have any other compelling circumstances we should know about?

If you feel comfortable disclosing this information to us, we will consider your household composition, your socio-economic background, whether you are employed, any disabilities you have and your literacy level.

Does the matter raise any commercial concerns for Mills Oakley?

As Everyday Justice is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mills Oakley, we will need to consider whether your matter raises any commercial concerns or conflicts for Mills Oakley.

Does the firm have capacity to assist?

Everyday Justice will only assist you if we have the appropriate level of resources to allocate to your matter, including staff and time. If we are experiencing a high level of demand and we are not confident we can provide you with a high level of legal service, we will refer you to an alternative service.

Fill in your application online

Or call us on 1800 161 196. Monday to Friday (AEDT) between 11am-3pm
A national free and reduced fee charitable community legal service owned by Mills Oakley to help people who have everyday legal issues but can’t afford a lawyer


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